
Opening More FSA in Rio and New FSA Rules

August 04, 2022

Opening More FSA in Rio and New FSA Rules

If you haven’t noticed, Upland is growing. The Rio de Janeiro launch, for example, sold out in two hours and peaked at a record 54 mints per second. With more people exploring Upland, it’s important to keep our metaverse inviting for new and experienced players. 

When the player base grows, economic activity and liquidity rise too. In short, more Uplanders equals more value and fun for everyone. To take care of new players – specifically those with Visitor and Uplander status – we’re opening an additional Starter Neighborhood in Rio that is filled with Fair Start Act (FSA) properties. Also, we’re adjusting the rules for FSA properties to give players greater opportunities in Upland. 

Rio’s Next FSA Neighborhood in Upland

Due to the amazing demand in Rio, our first international city, a new FSA neighborhood is on its way. The Méier neighborhood adds approximately 5,000 FSA properties, making Rio an accessible and attractive starter city. 


FSA Neighborhood Launch: Friday, August 5th at 8 am PT.

Location: Méier, Rio de Janeiro 

Properties: ~5,000 FSA 

Property pricing: ~2,500 UPX

Since Méier has a number of small properties that would have low mint values, we have introduced a minimum price of 1,000 UPX for each property. We plan to carry this approach forward into new cities releases meaning that no new properties will be available for minting under 1,000 UPX. 

There are also a few properties in Méier that do not meet the qualifications to be considered FSA properties. These properties will be hidden at release and unlocked at a later date for minting.

Affordable and conveniently located, Méier makes Rio an even better place to start a virtual real estate empire. And with the new FSA rules launching alongside Méier, it’s never been a better time to get jump into the Upland metaverse. 

Testing New FSA Rules 

FSA properties have been a hot topic of discussion lately. There are concerns that these starter properties are being purchased and flipped by more experienced players. This keeps new players from accessing affordable properties while leaving the door open for discouraged (and prohibited) behavior such as multi-accounting.

The players have spoken, and we listened. Tests for new FSA rules begin on Friday, August 5th.  These new rules affect all Upland players, and are designed to make property acquisitions fair for all – which is exactly what FSA is all about! 

Two rules will be put into effect:

  1. Players will be able to mint a total of 30 FSA properties over the lifetime of their account.
  2. Players can mint a maximum of three FSA properties per day.

These rules bring additional assurances for new players, and will combine with the existing rule that FSA properties can only be minted by players with net worth under 100,000 UPX.  The two new FSA rules do not apply retroactively and therefore, any previous FSA mints do not count towards the lifetime limit.

To help players keep track of these new rules, your current status will be displayed via the confirmation popup that appears when players attempt to mint an FSA property.

Keep in mind that these FSA limits are not final. We will measure results and adjust as needed to ensure a balance between opportunity and fairness. We feel these bumpers will keep FSA properties more honest, which in turn makes the entire economy more welcoming.