Iconic Artist Jacky Tsai Sale
October 20, 2022
[Update 10.21] Tsai MetaSkull Collection Sale Delay
As you may know we have been having issues with USD transactions through our payment provider Tilia throughout the day. In light of this, we are postponing the end of registration and start of sale for the Tsai MetaSkull Collection by 2 hours:
Registration closes: Friday, October 21 at 10:00 AM PT
Sale starts: Friday, October 21 at 11:00 AM PT
We will be monitoring the issue over this period but may need to increase this extension further. We will make further updates here if this is required. Apologies for any inconvenience, thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work through the issue.
It's time for a skull and bone-chilling announcement as Sotheby’s Xperience Digital Artist of the Year is coming to Upland!
After a brief teaser for our Jacky Tsai partnership in our Halloween Sale announcement, it’s time to unmask all the details. Not only is Jacky Tsai adding style to the metaverse with iconic skull art, but players can also own Block Explorers, Legits, and Structure Ornaments from this world-famous contemporary artist.
That’s right! The Jacky Tsai MetaSkull Collection Sale is coming! Registration starts Thursday, October 20, at 9 AM PT and closes 24 hours later on Friday, October 21. Then, the sale starts Friday, October 21 at 9 AM PT and ends Monday, October 24 at 6 PM PT.
Head to the Specials section of the Upland Store to register!
Jacky Tsai Sale Details
Jacky Tsai is known for his world-renowned skull designs, making this a perfect partnership that adds a bit of vogue to the fright already spreading across the metaverse this Halloween season.
There are three styles available for the Jacky Tsai Sale: the Roseate MetaSkull, the Carmine MetaSkull, and the Flaxen MetaSkull. These designs are perfect for adding a bit of artistic flair to the metaverse during this spooky season.
All three styles have Structure Ornaments, Block Explorers, and Legits available in the sale. Also, the Block Explorers, Legits, and Structure Ornaments come in three rarity levels: Uncanny is the most common, Eldritch is the rarest, and Bizarre is in the middle. The rarity influences the item's visual uniqueness and the quantities available in Upland.
And for a little surprise, the Apartment Building Bundle, Luxury Modern House Bundle, and Luxury Ranch House Bundle all contain a small chance to get the “1-of-1” Exquisite rarity of the Structure Ornaments (preview images below).
Check out the little details hidden in each version of the Jacky Tsai collection below to find the designs perfect for you!
Jacky Tsai Sale Dates and Times
Registration starts: Thursday, October 20 at 9:00 AM PT
Registration closes: Friday, October 21 at 8:00 AM PT
Sale starts: Friday, October 21 at 9:00 AM PT
Sale ends: Monday, October 24 at 6:00 PM PT
In the Jacky Tsai Sale, players can purchase eight different bundles based on structure type. Each bundle includes one Structure Ornament and either one Legit or one Block Explorer. Rarity levels are determined randomly. Take a look at the chart below for bundle prices and quantities.
A Taste of Finer Things
We’re excited to have Jacky Tsai in Upland. With this partnership, players get a little taste of the arts in the metaverse as well as fantastic art to stylize their time in Upland. Join the Jacky Tsai MetaSkull Collection Sale, and be sure to rock these unique items across Upland!
Spark Exchange Simulation for Halloween Structure Ornaments
Some players may recall the Spark Exchange Simulation that we ran for the recent Halloween Sale. To keep things in line with our original message – that we are unwilling to break the rules of the metaverse – we will once again be simulating the Spark Exchange for the recent release of Jacky Tsai MetaSkull Structure Ornaments.
Upland will in effect “borrow” unstaked Spark from all Spark holders who wish to participate, and reward those players in the form of UPX. As such, we will be distributing a total of 651,000 UPX (based on the assumption that all bundles will sell out) to Spark holders with unstaked Spark. This process simulates the functionality of the future Spark Exchange, where players will be able to rent Spark from each other in exchange for UPX.
To document participants, we will take a snapshot of players with unstaked Spark. The snapshot will be taken on Monday, October 24th between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM PT. All registered Uplanders with unstaked Spark at the time of the snapshot will be rewarded pro-rata, depending on the amount of unstaked Spark they currently hold. The 651,000 UPX reward pool is based on an estimation of the required costs to build the Jacky Tsai MetaSkull Structure Ornaments. This calculation is a function of what construction would cost in UPX per Spark Hours required to build. The UPX rewards will be distributed after the snapshot has been taken.
Be sure to opt-in for this Spark Exchange Simulation to be eligible!