Totem Reveal: Chapter 3

October 10, 2023

Totem Reveal: Chapter 3

Uplanders, pack your bags because Miles and Gaia are gearing up for their next thrilling journey. In this expedition, they are on a quest to unveil the hidden secrets of the Stem Tree. Along the way, they will reveal the identities of the next two Totem Life Forms. 

Get ready for an incredible and suspenseful adventure!

Chapter 3: Unveiling the Secrets of the Stem Tree

United by destiny, Miles and Gaia joined their Mystery Passes together, their hands trembling with anticipation. As the charm merged, an incandescent light enveloped the room, revealing ancient inscriptions etched upon the walls. The hidden power of the charm unleashed a mesmerizing spectacle. Ten empty AI totem bases awaited their awakening. It was at this pivotal moment that Miles and Gaia discovered the significance of the Mystery Passes. Using the mystical artifacts, they activated the totem bases one by one, unlocking the path to the Upland Stem Tree.

How to Acquire Totems Recap 

Totems are available for purchase through a series of Mystery Pass sales designed exclusively for an exchange to several rarities of Life Forms in each drop. The rarities of each Totem are defined by five unique traits that influence your Totem's behavior, rewards, and more. 

Prior to each sale, the Upland Team will begin manufacturing the specific Totems designated for the upcoming sale, which is when the type (animal or plant) of Life Form will be revealed to you. While these Totems are being manufactured, we will hold a Totem Mystery Pass sale for the chapter, which is the only way to acquire them in the Upland Store. As always, registration will be required 24 hours in advance, and then you must log in on the day of the sale to complete your purchase. The exchange to reveal your Totem will not take place until all the Passes in the Chapter have been distributed, and all the Totems from the sale have been fully manufactured. 

The Upland Team will notify you and the entire community when each Totem Pass exchange is enabled. This same process will apply to all the upcoming Totem releases. We'll provide an official announcement for every Totem Release, and as soon as manufacturing for these items begins, we'll unveil the newly added Life Forms that will be up for purchase via the Mystery Pass exchange. 

Chapter 3 Life Forms: Shark and Panda

In the upcoming weeks, we’ll release the sale announcement for the third Totem release, featuring the Shark and Panda Life Forms. Below is a preview of the Chapter 3 Life Forms that are being manufactured, but remember, the Shark and Panda you acquire with your Mystery Pass in this next sale will have its unique combination of traits. Don’t forget, it will be your mission to feed and take care of your Totem during the cycle, but not until all Life Forms in this first story have been manufactured. 

Shark Preview

Panda Preview

Totem Wiki

If you haven't already, check out our Totem Wiki for more information on Totems, Stem, and Protem. You'll discover detailed insights on how you can eventually power the lifecycle of your Totems and gain a better understanding of Totem Traits. Please remember that the Totem Wiki is still a work in progress, and we'll add more information as more Totems are revealed.