
Summer Games Week 2

July 16, 2021

Summer Games Week 2

Hey Uplanders!

We’re back with another round of challenges for the Summer Games Events! Starting tomorrow, Friday, July 30th, at 9:00 AM PT. There will be 2 new in-game challenges that players can compete in to win UPX and Spark rewards!

First up is the Summer Games Collections Challenge which will measure how many collections each player completes over the course of the weekend. The second is the Summer Games Minting Challenge which will measure how many properties are minted by players over the course of the weekend.

These challenges will close on Sunday, August 1st, at 11:59 PM PT.

New Reward Systems

Unlike previous challenges where we typically only reward the top 10 players in each challenge, we will be expanding the pool of winners to 70 players in each challenge in each tier! This means that there is much more opportunity to win prizes in these events, so you definitely won’t want to miss out.

Players who place in the top 70 of each challenge will be grouped into brackets depending on their placement. In other words, players who are 61st-70th will be in bracket 10, 51st-60th will be bracket 9, and so on. In the event of a tie, winnings will be added and divided between those players. See below for complete details on rewards and prizing…

Tier 1 Rewards (Per Challenge)

Tier 2 Rewards (Per Challenge)

We’re excited to bring new mechanisms for rewards to Upland and will continue working to design experiences everyone can be excited about!