In-App Voting Launch and Giveaway!
September 27, 2022
[UPDATE 10.7.2022]
Results Are In! Voting Terraformer Named By the People
Voting has officially closed on our first-ever opportunity for player voting in Upland. Thank you to everyone who participated in this event – it was a low-stakes voting topic, but a major step forward for the metaverse! Because of you, the Voting Terraformer has a name. Meet Votron!
Now that votes are in, here’s an update on the results as well as some demographic information. And now that we have an official name for the Voting Terraformer, be sure to register for the Terraformer Block Explorer Sale, open now!
Results Analysis
This first vote was held from September 30 to October 6. As a result, over 3,000 players voted (3,056 to be exact). For a first vote, that’s pretty good! Not to mention, over 700 players completed KYC while the voting poll was open – this is a really good sign that the community cares about Upland and wants a part in its development!
We expect even more players to vote on the next topic as it has a far deeper impact on the Upland economy. So if you didn’t vote, be sure to next time! Just head to Settings and initiate identity verification so you can set an Upland Home Address and participate in all future voting opportunities.
Note: You can catch up on the next voting topic by reading our August Upland Economy Update. We’ll provide more information on this voting topic soon!
Here are some charts to give you a feel for how voting went down:
Global Votes by Name
Our Global Votes by Name chart below gives you a good feel for voting trends across all possible Terraformer names. As you can see, Votron was a clear runaway! Congratulations to our community member, og-pickle, who recommended Votron in our Reddit thread before voting went live.
Voting Results by City
As you can see in the chart below, Votron (represented by the orange bar) was a runaway favorite in many cities. East Rutherford had the highest voting percentage for Votron at nearly 80%, while Votron nearly lost to Votey McVoteface in Staten Island and New Orleans. Sorry Votey McVoteface … the people have spoken!
The data might make it a challenge to tell which cities have the most active voters, mainly because every city (and their respective neighborhoods) have different player counts with an Upland Home Address. But we broke it down!
The top cities based on number of voters were:
- Los Angeles
- Queens
- Chicago
- San Francisco
- Detroit
Next we looked at the highest participation rates. The top cities here were:
- Porto
- Rio
- Queens
- Rutherford
- Detroit
If you’re looking for a full breakdown of city participation rates, check out the chart below. It looks like Cleveland has the most ground to gain, while Porto and Rio know how to represent!
Whether your neighborhood is at the top or the bottom, encourage your neighbors to jump into the next vote!
Voting Terraformer Sale
The Voting Terraformer registration is open today! We only have Terraformer Block Explorers for major milestones, and player voting definitely counts. There are only five Votron Block Explorers, so reserve a spot at this Block Explorer Sale and put a piece of Upland history in your wallet!
Voting Terraformer Sale Registration
Registration starts: Friday, October 7 at 8:00 AM PT
Registration ends: Saturday, October 8 at 8:00 AM PT
Sale starts: Saturday, October 8 at 9:00 AM PT
Stay Tuned for the Next Vote
Voting is one of the best ways for Uplanders to interact with the metaverse. After all, you get to directly impact the game. The next voting opportunity is going to be a much more impactful topic affecting Upland’s economy. If you didn’t get a chance to vote this time around, now is the perfect time to get ready for the next one. Be sure to complete KYC identity verification and set an Upland Home Address and you’ll be in the perfect position to participate.
[9.30.22 UPDATE]
The first voting opportunity is LIVE! Players who have completed KYC and have an Upland Home Address will be able to see the voting topic in their Profile.
If you haven't completed KYC or if you don't have an Upland Home Address, you won't be able to see the voting topic yet. Please complete these steps to be vote-eligible.
Please read below for details about voting and our UPX giveaway for this first test vote!
What has four legs and a square head? Miles with his head stuck in a ballot box! Support for the in-app voting feature is live and the first vote is coming soon! Players will soon participate in ad hoc voting in Upland to directly impact the direction of the ecosystem. This achievement brings Upland closer than ever to the vision of community ownership and governance.
With the first big vote on the Upland economy coming soon, we’re testing in-app voting with a low stakes topic before we get to the major economic vote. And to get players into the voting groove, we’re hosting a giveaway drawing for those who participate in the test!
What is Ad Hoc Voting in Upland?
Players got a glimpse of voting in Upland back in August’s economic update announcement. Ad hoc voting is a specific type of voting that calls for players to choose their preferred outcome for various game-related topics. With these voting topics, the results cannot be changed once voting closes. However, players can change their votes (or can proactively abstain from voting) until the deadline locks votes in. In the app players can see a countdown for the deadline before votes lock for a given topic.
Players will click the green check mark to read more about a proposal before casting their vote. This screen is where players will read the full details that contain important information and help understand outcomes, so we fully encourage everyone to read the in-app information thoroughly.
Voting requirements
To be eligible for voting in Upland, there are several requirements:
- Players must complete identity verification (KYC).
- Players must have an Upland Home Address.
- Players must be in good standing (aka not in Alcatraz).
For those who want to vote but haven’t completed KYC yet, we suggest starting that process as it can take up to a few days before approving. All players need to do is open “Identity Verification” in settings and fill in the required information.
Test Vote Details and UPX Giveaway
The ad hoc voting test covers a fairly simple topic: naming the Voting Terraformer. Naming Terraformers is not a voting topic players will see in the future – it’s just purely for testing purposes. (Plus the Upland team got into too many arguments about the perfect name, so letting the community vote really takes the pressure off!)
Our goals for the test are to test the systems while giving players time to set an Upland Home Address, complete KYC, and to get players accustomed to voting mechanics before the first major vote.
To gather Terraformer names for the vote, we’re asking for community suggestions in Reddit. Hop into Reddit today to join the conversation and throw a name out there! After we collect Terraformer names in Reddit, we’ll open in-app voting so players can vote on their favorite. Once the test vote ends, there will be a drawing to win UPX! Five lucky players who voted will receive 75,000 UPX!
What’s Next for In-App Voting?
Ad hoc voting is a major step, but it’s just the start. For example, in the future we’ll see neighborhood-specific voting topics and topics that have changing outcomes. Structures allowed in a neighborhood is a good example. Here, players with a Home Address in a neighborhood would vote on structure restrictions, such as blocking factories from being built in a neighborhood (maybe to preserve curb appeal). Then, votes could overturn that outcome if they swing in favor of allowing factories.
In-app voting is just one of several examples of Upland’s vision as a community-owned ecosystem. Over the past few months alone, we’ve seen Outdoor Decor manufacturing and Community Dev Tools give players more tools and power over how Upland looks and feels. One of Upland’s biggest strengths comes from the community, and empowering Uplanders to really own their spaces and experiences is going to make Upland a fun and interesting metaverse for years to come.