Announcing Upland 3D Avatars

February 07, 2023

Announcing Upland 3D Avatars

Ooh là là! Upland has never looked so good, thanks to new 3D Avatars! Starting today, players can go into their Upland Profile and build a new 3D Avatar. These avatars will be used to access 3D experiences connected to Upland, including a new Mangueira experience for Rio de Janeiro’s Carnaval! In addition to experiences, new “wearable Legits”  are in the works for these 3D Avatars.


Read on to learn more about 3D Avatars, and get ready to experience Upland in a whole new way! 

Upland 3D Avatar Details

3D Avatars are the start of brand new experiences on their way to Upland. These experiences, developed by third-party developers or Upland, require a controllable avatar to interact with 3D spaces and other players. New experiences will be announced in the future, so stay tuned!

The 3D Avatars are powered by the avatar platform Ready Player Me. Players who already have a Ready Player Me account can connect it to Upland from their Profile page. 

How to Build a 3D Avatar in Upland

Players can access the 3D Avatar creator from their Profile. From there: 

  • Open “Add Avatar.”
  • Choose a Body Type (Male, Female, or choose not to identify a Body Type).
  • Take or upload a photo to give the creator tool a starting point.
  • Customize the avatar by using an array of tools for skin tone, facial features, clothing, accessories, etc. 
  • Complete your 3D Avatar and watch it load onto your Profile!

At any time, players can edit their avatars or delete the avatar to start fresh. Check out our short video for a teaser. Or better yet, jump into your Profile now and create your 3D Avatar!

3D Experiences Coming to Upland

3D Avatars are the beginning of new, immersive 3D experiences connected to Upland. These experiences could come from Community Dev Shops, providing the community with access to many activities from third parties and Upland partners. 

One experience is the Mangueira Samba School – an interactive environment for players to meet and watch a live feed of Rio’s Carnaval! We’ll show off this experience as we get closer to Carnaval. 

Also, there are plans for some Legits to be wearables for 3D Avatars in the future. We’ll announce more soon! 

3D Avatars are the Future!

Building a 3D Avatar is the beginning of big things coming to Upland. Jump in, play with the avatar creator, and share your creations with the community as we get ready to roll out activities and wearables that will push Upland to new levels of immersion and fun!