
MV Motors Sale: Starting the Year in Style

January 17, 2023

MV Motors Sale: Starting the Year in Style

January is a time for new beginnings, and thanks to this MV Motors Sale stocked with 900 cars, it’s also high time for a sweet new ride. In this sale, you’ll find the Series 4 and Series T models in an array of colors and trims! 

The MV Motors Sale starts January 18 at 9 AM PT, so don’t forget to register on January 17 at 8 AM PT to reserve your spot! 

MV Motors Sale Details

While it’s not the biggest sale ever, 900 cars is nothing to sneeze at. If you’ve been looking for the right Series 4 SUV or Series T truck, then this is the event for you! The Series 4 has three different colors and the Series 4 E trim comes with three colors too! The Series T has three E Trims – with bold colors to boot! 

Registration starts: Tuesday, January 17 at 8 AM PT

Registration ends: Wednesday, January 18 at 8 AM PT

Sale starts: Wednesday, January 18 at 9 AM PT

Price: See table below

Quantity: See table below

Only the color and model are guaranteed at the time of purchase. Mint numbers will be determined by the order in which cars are reserved, starting with lower mints first. Your purchase reserves the vehicle for you, and it will be transferred to your account once manufacturing is complete. You can check the status of car production by exploring the MV Motors Manufacturing Plant at 4220 Network Cir, Santa Clara, CA.

How to register 

To register for the MV Motors Sale, simply open the Upland (mobile app or browser) and navigate to the Upland Store. Under “Specials” you will see each car for sale and can register for as many as you like.‍

Cars are one of the hottest items in Upland, and it’s only getting better in 2023. There are four new player-designed racetracks coming to a city near you. And we outlined in the most recent Roadmap Update, mobile app (iOS and Android) compatibility and race history are in the works! 

Now is your chance to start 2023 in style by grabbing the keys to a new Series 4 or Series T! Register and we’ll see you there!