
Metaventure Directory and Raid

March 06, 2023

Metaventure Directory and Raid

[UPDATE 3.10.23]

Due to a technical issue, we will be unable to provide a leaderboard for the Metaventure Raid. Rest assured, all of the data is still being tracked and we will announce results on Monday, March 13.


Upland is a big place. Sometimes it’s tricky to find what you’re looking for. But with our new Metaventure Directory, player searches get an upgrade! The new Metaventure Directory will help players find Metaventure Showrooms and Shops thanks to a dedicated search bar for the hundreds of player-run Metaventures in Upland.

Now players can use the Metavenuture Directory to search all of Upland from one location. This will make it easier to find Metaventures and soon secondary-market items too! 

In celebration of the Metaventure Directory, there’s a new Metaventure Raid going down from Thursday, March 9 at 1 PM PT to Sunday, March 12 at 11:59 PM PT, with 1 million UPX split between 100 raiders in a prize drawing! Raids are always a good time for owners and buyers. And now players can use the Metaventure Directory to raid with the quickness. 

Most of all, hop into Upland to give the Metavenuture Directory a spin! Thanks for supporting your fellow Upland neighbors! 

Metaventure Directory Details

The Metaventure Directory is nested in the Quick Menu. Simply click on the “...” at the bottom of your screen and open the “Directory” tool. 

Currently, search results in the Metaventure Directory will display all global Metavenuture Showrooms and Shops (not just the Metaventures in a player’s discovery zone).

Directory searches show the Metaventure name, location, and an inventory count. Players can use the filter function to refine search results. The types of Metaventures currently in the directory include: 

The Metaventure Directory will grow as more Showrooms and Shops open in Upland. In the future, the directory will include Outdoor Decor Factories and Structure Ornament Factories. 

March Metaventure Raid Details

A new Metaventure Raid is going down to properly introduce the Metaventure Directory to Upland! At the end of the Raid, those on the Metaventure Raid Leaderboard will be entered into a drawing. In the drawing, 100 winners will split 1 million UPX. That’s 10,000 UPX per winner!  

If you haven’t participated in a raid before, Metaventures Raids task players with Sending their Block Explorers to any Metaventure. To join the giveaway, all you need to do is send your Block Explorer to any Metaventure. 

Each Send to a different Metaventure will grant you one entry in the drawing for 10,000 UPX, up to a maximum of five entries per day. Players can only win once, and rewards will be distributed shortly after the end of the Metaventure Raid.

Raid Starts: Thursday, March 9 at 1:00 PM PT

Raid End: Sunday, March 12 at 11:59 PM PT

To maximize your chances of winning, send your Block Explorer to at least five Metaventures. Sends will only count for unique properties, so players who send to the same address more than once will only earn one entry for that address for the day.

Feel free to view all Metaventures here. Or better yet, use the directory to find a Metaventure near you!

Metaventure Directory has Your Back

Upland is home to more than 260 Metaventures, and more applications roll in every day. With so many orange Metaventure pips scattered around the map, finding the right Shops or Showroom was a bit like playing pin the tail on the llama. But no more! Here’s a (virtual) high-five for the Metaventure Directory and for finding the items you’re craving with ease! 

Try out the Metaventure Directory today, and see if you can be one of the top Metaventure raiders in our celebratory Raid!