The Upland Halloween Sale

October 12, 2022

The Upland Halloween Sale

[UPDATE 10.18.22]

Thank you to those who participated in the Spark Exchange Simulation! The simulation is complete, and UPX rewards were dropped to registered users with unstaked Spark. See the full list of participants rewarded here.

Grab your brooms and polish your cauldrons because the Upland Halloween Sale is coming! Registration opens Wednesday, October 12 at 8 AM PT and closes 24 hours later on Thursday, October 13. Then, the sale starts October 13 at 9 AM PT.

This year, we have a new lineup of freak-tacular Block Explorers and Structural Ornaments. Also, we conjured up a special partner who has a fascination with skulls that you’re going to love. 

Follow us down the dark alleys and into the depths of Upland as we show you what’s in store for this year’s sale. Just promise to keep your lunch down. 

Meet the Monsters 

This year’s Halloween styles, the Creepy Kid, Pumpkin Man, and Zombie, are itching to haunt Upland. Each of the styles have Structural Ornaments and Block Explorers. Both the Block Explorers and Structure Ornaments come in three rarity levels: Uncanny is the most common, Eldritch is the rarest, and Bizarre is in the middle. 

Meet the Zombie, Pumpkin Man, and Creepy Kid Block Explorers and Structure Ornaments below!

Halloween Sale Details

In the Halloween Sale you’ll find bundles that include one Block Explorer and one Structural Ornament. Bundles for any residential Structure you have – so you can creep out the neighbors no matter where you live. 

Halloween Sale Dates and Times

Registration Starts: Wednesday, October 12 at 8:00 AM PT

Registration Closes: Thursday, October 13 at 8:00 AM PT

Sale Starts: Thursday, October 13 at 9:00 AM PT

Sale Ends: Monday, October 17 at 6:00 PM PT

Check out the bundle information below for a better picture of bundle quantities and prices. 

Bundle Details 

It’s important to know that the contents of every bundle are randomized. You’ll always have one Structure Ornament and one Block Explorer, but the style and the rarity of these items are randomized. 

For full transparency, you’ll find bundle probabilities documented in the table below. 

A Special Halloween Partner

We’re proud to announce that Jacky Tsai, the international artist famous for his amazing skull designs, is bringing his visions to Upland! We’ll be hosting a special event for Jackie Tsai soon.

It’s Time To Decorate!

A few bats here, some tombstones there. Ah! It really is Halloween season! As you may know, seasonal ornaments can only be used in Upland for short periods. But since we love candy and creepy crawlies, we’re extending the Halloween ornament season this year! 

The Halloween ornament season runs from October 12 to November 8. That’s right! Starting NOW you can use any Halloween items you collected last year. And of course you can use anything from this year’s sale as soon as you receive them. 

Spark Exchange Simulation for Halloween Structure Ornaments

Some players may recall the Spark Exchange Simulation that we ran for Winter Holiday Ornaments or Genesis Week Ornament Sale. To keep things in line with our original message – that we are unwilling to break the rules of the metaverse – we will once again be simulating the Spark Exchange for the recent release of 2022 Halloween Structure Ornaments.

Upland will in effect “borrow” unstaked Spark from all Spark holders who wish to participate, and reward those players in the form of UPX. As such, we will be distributing a total of 3.46 million UPX (based on the assumption that all bundles will sell out) to Spark holders with unstaked Spark. This process simulates the functionality of the future Spark Exchange, where players will be able to rent Spark from each other in exchange for UPX. 

To document participants, we will take a snapshot of players with unstaked Spark. The snapshot will be taken on Tuesday, October 18, between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM PT. ‍All registered Uplanders with unstaked Spark at the time of the snapshot will be rewarded pro-rata, depending on the amount of unstaked Spark they currently hold. The 3.46M UPX reward pool is based on an estimation of the required costs to build the 2022 Halloween Structure Ornaments. This calculation is a function of what construction would cost in UPX per Spark Hours required to build. The UPX rewards will be distributed after the snapshot has been taken. 

Be sure to opt-in for this Spark Exchange Simulation to be eligible! 

The Form is Now Closed!