Introducing Car Showrooms!

October 13, 2022

Introducing Car Showrooms!

Car Showroom Metaventures and the long-anticipated new larger structures that allow players to sell cars are here! With this next phase of Metaventures, we’re introducing two new Showroom structures that hold more inventory (including cars), and we’re accepting applications for Car Showroom Metaventures. Best of all, players can construct both of these larger Showroom structures today! 

Excited for larger Showrooms and new Metaventures? Pop the clutch and leave some rubber with us as we go over the details! 

New Showrooms Details

If you recall our September Showrooms announcement, these structures are where Uplanders will sell 3D items manufactured by players. Showrooms have just been opened to sell Map Asset items and will soon expand to sell cars. 

Two new Showroom sizes that support cars are available today for construction. These are the Medium and Large Showrooms, and as their names imply, they both come with different footprints and will offer the ability to sell different quantities of cars at a given time. 

The minimum-sized Showroom that will support Car Metaventures will be the Medium Showroom I. Car Showroom Metaventures will be available at a later date, but applications are open for those looking for a head start. Read the Metaventure section below for details. 

Car Showroom Functionality 

By completing construction of a Showroom, players who are approved will be able to list their own 3D items for sale. This includes cars, Map Assets, and soon, Structure Ornaments. Unlike factories, Showrooms don’t have inventory lots. Instead, Showrooms can use the entire property to display inventory. 

By listing a car in a Car Showroom Metaventure, any player can see that the car is for sale. The upcoming new “reservation” feature will allow Showroom owners to put an item for sale and reserve it for a specific player. To start, only cars owned by the Metaventure owner (AKA “merchant”) will be displayed and listed for sale in Showrooms – listing a car in someone else’s Showroom as a sub-merchant will be possible at a later date. 

Metaventure Applications for Car Showrooms

Until now, the only way to acquire a car has been to purchase one in a MV Motors Sale or by trading between players. Starting today, anyone can apply for a Car Showroom Metaventure as long as they meet the criteria below

Requirements include: 

  • Completing KYC identity verification with Tilia (found in Settings).
  • Starting or completing construction on a Medium or Large Showroom.
  • Of the available Showroom structures, only these two will be used for Car Showroom Metaventures. 
  • Owning a minimum of three vehicles when submitting your application. We will verify this and qualify applicants based on the asset volume at that time.
  • Player owns the property, and it is not listed for sale.
  • The Metaventure name submitted in the application does not include “Upland,” “MV Motors” or any other IP.
  • Player status must be Uplander or higher.
  • Player is not in Alcatraz.

Currently, there is no set launch date for these Metaventures to go live, we are simply accepting applications at this point. However, applying and building a Showroom that supports cars puts you in a position to be among the first with this type of Metaventure down the road. 

Head to your neighborhood City Hall to apply for a Car Showroom! 

Tip: Learn more about Metaventures and the application process before applying. 

Visit a Showroom Metaventure Soon! 

The first Showrooms are now in production from our closed beta group, and you are able to check them out and shop their inventory! Simply look for an orange dot on the map, or get Showroom addresses in this post! There’s also an Upland Showroom, so swing by 1604 Hope Drive in Santa Clara to see the next big thing in Upland!