Block & Load Exclusive Sale

October 11, 2023

Block & Load Exclusive Sale

Attention, Block Explorer Shop Owners! As proud Block Explorer Shop owners, you're part of an exclusive group with a fantastic opportunity coming your way.

We’re thrilled to announce the Block & Load: The Ultimate Metaventure Wholesale Extravaganza, an exclusive Block Explorer sale tailor-made for Block Explorer Shop owners like you!

Mark your calendars because registration for this exclusive sale opens on both the web and mobile versions of the Upland Store on Thursday, October 12th, at 8 AM PT, and the sale officially starts on Friday, October 13th, at 9 AM PT!

Block & Load Exclusive Sale Details

During this exclusive sale, only Block Explorer Shop owners will have the opportunity to purchase any of the four Neon Jersey Block Explorers bundled with UPX. 

  • Registration Opens: Thursday, October 12th, at 8 AM PT
  • Registration Closes: Friday, October 13th, at 8 AM PT
  • Sale Starts: Friday, October 13th, at 9 AM PT
  • Prices and Quantities: See below for details

Note: This exclusive sale will only remain in the Upland Store for 24 hours or until all Block Explorers are sold out. Also, we have extended the purchase window for this exclusive sale to three minutes to provide players with more time to complete their purchases. A cooldown period will be enforced for individuals interested in acquiring multiple of the same Block Explorers. 

Chroma Jersey Block Explorer + 25,000 UPX

Price: $25

Quantity: 100

Prism Jersey Block Explorer + 25,000 UPX

Price: $25

Quantity: 100

Nebula Jersey Block Explorer + 10,000 UPX

Price: $10

Quantity: 300

Luminous Jersey Block Explorer + 10,000 UPX

Price: $10

Quantity: 300

If you’re a Block Explorer Shop owner, you definitely don’t want to miss out on the exclusive opportunity to participate in the Block & Load: The Ultimate Metaventure Wholesale Extravaganza!