
UPX Earnings For Terminals

July 11, 2023

UPX Earnings For Terminals

Starting this month, we will officially begin implementing an UPX earnings program for all terminal owners in Upland. This means players who own a terminal will now receive a portion of the UPX earnings generated from terminal ticket sales. The UPX earnings rate will be set at 20% and will be distributed among terminal owners of the same type in their respective cities, solely based on their respective terminal and parcel size. UPX earnings will be distributed on a monthly basis, during the first week of each month, with the first payment set for the first week of August. 

Metaventures for Terminal Owners

We're also pleased to announce that terminal owners now have the option to apply for a Metaventure using their terminal property (currently limited to shops only)! Owning a terminal in Upland is prestigious due to its prime real estate value and the ability to attract significant foot traffic. This addition opens up new avenues for terminal owners' assets to reach a broader range of players.

It is important to note that players will not be able to construct structures on their terminal property yet; however, they can still apply to run a Metaventure from it. The presence of a Metaventure on a terminal will be indicated by the typical button and an orange dot on the map. We have notified all terminal owners via email with instructions on how to apply for a Metaventure if they are interested.